A clinic for follow-up care and rehabilitation
The clinic located in Antibes Juan Les Pins offers many facilities for follow-up care and rehabilitation.
The medical team intervenes on the body mobility, the psychological side and the reintegration in the working world.

Realized services
CSP France is mandated for the maintenance of installations already present in the establishment:
- Computer maintenance TV system
Clinique de l'Estagnol
This follow-up care and rehabilitation centre responds to a need for care after a stay in hospital for an acute or surgical condition.
Everything is planned and put in place to ensure follow-up care and rehabilitation to intervene on the body’s mobility, the psychological side and reintegration into the world of work.
The clinic has 109 beds, including 63 private rooms, a balneotherapy pool and more than 5,000 square metres of land.
The establishment is entirely new and close to the city centre of Antibes and Juan les Pins.